Inspiring Health Through Play.
If you are an activity enthusiast who enjoy meeting new people and exploring the outdoors this the group for you.
Become a supporting memberRegister Wild Ride June 21, 2025
Join us at Shawnee State Park and Foresst for our 5th annula Wild Ride. The Wild Ride is not a race and launches from the Shawnee Lodge parking lot.
Canoning Enthusists
There is no better motivation than group motivation. Stay motivated to be activite with group events. Join the connex fb group and follow popup rides. Visit page.
Connecting Members to Other Outdoor Enthusiats
Connex has connected over 1000 of individuals with outdoor recreational opportunities.
Community Outreach
Portsmouth Connex participated in creating an active transportation plan to secure bike lanes and sharrows.
Offered Over
Guided Hikes
Provided Over
Helmets To Local Youth
Hosted Over
Group Rides
Hosted Over
Kayak Floats
Making lasting memories.
Stay Up To Date.
Keeping your resting heart rate under 80 bpms lowers your risk for Alzheimer’s. Find how your can lower your resting heart rate.
Wanting to ride in the Wild Ride but unsure if you can make the distance. Check out these tips.
Confused about which items you will need when planning a camping trip? Unsure which brands will stand up to bad weather?